Early winter at the horse stable - What to consider?

From a stable management perspective, early winter brings with it special challenges. With the arrival of snow and cold, it is important to take care of the well-being of horses during the winter season and the operation of the stable. Horses adapt amazingly well to different climates and weather conditions. Adaptability is a result of evolution and it allows horses to thrive in both cold and warm environments. Horses can adapt perfectly to cold conditions, but this usually takes several weeks. They adapt much more quickly to warm conditions. The ability of horses to tolerate different climatic conditions is essential in many areas, such as stable and yard design. Thermal energy is important in the care of free-range horses, but also in assessing the husbandry and bedding of horses kept in stables. The stable should be equipped with sufficient insulation or heating to keep the horses warm and healthy even on cold, frosty days. Check that the heating system is working properly and is safe.

Winter safety tips

Early winter brings, among other things, shorter days and less light, which affects the well-being of horses and stable staff. Add more light to the stable, for example with LED lighting, so that there is enough light for safe working and, if necessary, at any time of the day. It is good to consider the use of the right types of lamps in the right ways in different spaces. When using a stable, it is recommended to use lamps with a durable structure, low heat generation, and protection from dust and moisture. For example, fluorescent lamps and LED fluorescent tubes are suitable for the stable corridor. An energy-saving lamp can be chosen for night lighting in the stable. Outdoor lighting also requires choosing the right bulbs for the situation. For example, LED bulbs or energy-saving bulbs are suitable for a sealed outdoor light, while dimmable LED bulbs or halogen bulbs can be installed in an outdoor light with a motion sensor. More efficient floodlights can be considered for riding arenas and maneges. Lighting has many safety benefits. Accidents are reduced when walkways used for movement - with or without horses - are well-lit. Keep areas outside the stable, such as walkways and paddocks, clear of ice and safe. Use salt or other means of de-icing walkways as needed. Even in winter, it's a good idea to check your horse's hooves and shoes, especially the hoofs, regularly. Slippery conditions can affect the horse's movement, so make sure your winter hoof shoes are in good condition. Missing hoofs can quickly cause unpleasant slipping, which can lead to muscle tears or worse injuries. Check that first aid supplies are always readily available in the stable, including warm blankets and care supplies for horses in case of accidents. Early winter can bring with it various problems, such as slipping. Before the ground freezes, mud is one of the biggest problems in many stables. For example, Biohansa's ArenaGrip PVC mats are suitable for reducing mud . ArenaGrip mats are suitable for use in outdoor fields, maneges or stables. Thanks to the drainage system, excess water drains away in a controlled manner and they are also resistant to frost and winter use.

Horse thermal energy

Horses' feeding can be adjusted to suit the winter if necessary. Horses that lose weight easily in particular should be given sufficient feed and ensure that they have access to clean drinking water even when outside, despite the frost. One significant study conducted by the Finnish Horse Information Centre examined the energy consumption and growth of weaned foals in a paddock between November and March. The paddock consisted of a walking pen and a thermally insulated sleeping hall with a permanent bedding mattress. The results show that the need for additional energy from feeding decreases during the winter as foals grow and adapt to the cold environment. This is due to increased body thermal insulation, such as increased hair mass and fatness, and physiological changes. Preparing your horse stable for the start of winter requires care and precision. Make sure the stable environment is safe for everyone and that your horses stay warm and healthy throughout the cold season. Discover Biohansa's feed products via this link . Remember to subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on social media to receive information about new products and current topics directly to your email. Also give us feedback on what topics you would like to read about on Biohansa's blog! Sources: About stable lighting | Horse Information Center The need for additional energy in free-range foals | Horse Information Center Photo: Pixabay

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