Straw pellets and hemp bedding. Both are highly absorbent, which means that consumption is moderate. Thanks to this property, straw pellets produce 60-70% less litter waste compared to other bedding. Hemp has a staggering 400–500% absorbency of its own weight.
Straw pellet grit. Straw pellet grit is made by crushing straw pellets into a finer mass. Pellets in grit form do not look as edible to horses.
Pellets themselves are not dangerous, but in the long term, pellets can cause intestinal problems and digestive upset, even to the point of flatulence. Pellets expand in the stomach and can cause a blockage if a horse eats large amounts of them.
If the space in the stable is limited, regular stock rotation is important. In a small stable, a reasonable amount of litter at a time is often enough. Big bags can be placed on top of each other in a suitable corner where the space is higher. If the litter is stored directly outside, it is a good idea to keep it on transport pallets and cover it properly with a tarpaulin. Pallets keep the packages off the ground, which prevents moisture from rising and protects the litter better . In a smaller space, you can collect a few days' or weeks' worth of litter in a separate, easily accessible place.
Wood-based products, such as sawdust and wood pellets, decompose in the field in about two years. Peat, straw pellets and hemp decompose in about a year. Both make good organic fertilizer, as straw manure decomposes into usable form in 2-3 weeks and hemp in 6-8 weeks.