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A matter about the feed utilization capacity of horses
Feeding a horse is not exactly rocket science, but feeding it incorrectly can have serious consequences. As we mentioned in the previous publication , when planning a horse's feeding, it should be based on the type of use the horse is in. The horse's live weight affects how much energy it needs to maintain its vital functions. Based on maintenance needs, horses are divided into different levels of feed users: good, normal and poor.
Breed also determines feed utilization. In general, native breeds and cold-blooded horses are better feed users than warm-blooded breeds. A horse's body condition can be assessed visually and by feeling its flanks. When body condition is normal, the ribs are easily felt, but they should not be visible. According to the National Requirements of Horses, a horse in the 500 kg weight class needs approximately 16-20 kg of additional weight to move up one body condition class. However, the size of the horse is related to the amount of weight needed.
What is meant by feed utilization capacity?
When a horse is a good feed eater, it is either fat or gains weight easily. It absorbs more energy than a normal or poor feed eater. Such a horse is logically fed less, but in the long run it may lead to problems with metabolism and digestion. The feed should therefore contain more fiber and less energy. A good fiber-rich supplement to the feed is, for example, Biohansa molasses cut .
Feed utilization refers to how well or poorly a horse can utilize the energy contained in feed. A horse with normal feed utilization remains in a suitable fat condition. It does not gain or lose weight easily. Such a horse usually needs more energy than a good feed utiliser.
When feed utilization is poor, the horse is often thin or loses weight easily. It has a greater need to receive a larger amount of feed and energy to maintain a normal fatness condition. If the horse receives the wrong amounts or inappropriate energy, it will be seen as weight gain or weight loss. The fatness condition of the horse best reflects the suitability of the energy obtained from feeding. Too much energy from feeding causes fattening and it can also manifest itself in some horses as hyperactivity. Similarly, humans gain weight if they consume too many calories in relation to consumption.
When talking about feeding, many people forget the importance of water intake. In addition to feed, you should ensure that your horse gets enough drinking water. A horse's fluid balance is correct when water intake and fluid evaporation are at the same level. If a horse does not get enough water, it will also affect feed utilization and performance.
Old horses
If you want your horse to be more energetic, you can't just increase it with food. The horse's character and temperament affect energy levels, among other things. Instead, excessive energy in the diet should be avoided so that the horse doesn't gain weight. Obesity puts a strain on the bones, joints and tendons, and also makes it harder to regulate temperature and exposes you to metabolic diseases. These diseases include metabolic syndrome and laminitis.
For older and senior horses, the biggest challenge to feed utilization is often their teeth. With bad teeth, it is more difficult to fully utilize feed and problems can also arise with the intestines. As a horse ages, its digestive function weakens, and nutrient absorption is no longer as efficient as in younger horses.
Worn teeth make it easier to eat leafier, softer hay than hard, coarse hay. The fibers in coarse roughage are poorly digested and also impair the digestibility of nutrients, reducing the energy value of the feed. The horse may feel full, even though its energy and nutrient needs have not been met. The feed should therefore remain good and special care should be taken to ensure the intake of protein, minerals and vitamins. For older horses, we recommend Biohansa alfalfa pellets as part of the feed , which are very palatable compared to many similar products.
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Feeding a skinny horse | Horse Information Center
Water needs | Hevoseni.fi
Healthcare for older horses - Veterinarian Equivet Espoo
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