Examples of feeding patterns and feeds

When feeding a horse, a simple plan is the key to effective care. It is important to know what, why and how much to feed your horse. Obesity is a common problem in hobby horses, often caused by an over-energizing diet. For example, metabolic syndrome can manifest itself as fat deposits in the neck, nape and tailbone. Nutrition plays a key role in its management. When feeding horses, the sensitivity of the gut must be taken into account and changes must be made carefully to avoid the risk of flatulence. The introduction of a new diet should be approached gradually so that the gut microbes adapt to the new food. A feeding plan can help you avoid the greatest risks and achieve your goals. The horse's needs, such as exercise, size and age, must be determined before a plan is drawn up. The amount of concentrate is determined based on roughage, and the horse's individual characteristics and circumstances also affect the feeding plan.

Creating a feeding plan

High-quality hay forms the basis of feeding, whether it is dry hay, pre-dried silage, pasture grass, hay pellets, chips or straw used for feeding. Therefore, the right kind of feeding has a significant impact on the health and well-being of the horse. In order to create a functional feeding plan, the horse's daily feed intake should be weighed for the plan. Roughage, such as hay, is the primary feed, and then attention is paid to concentrates and, if necessary, supplementary feeds. Choosing the right feeding rate is the key to timely nutrient intake. The wrong rate can lead to over- or underfeeding. Excessive use of concentrates can cause gastric ulcers when the horse reduces roughage consumption. This leads to a decrease in physiological processes associated with mealtime, such as the secretion of saliva that neutralizes gastric contents.

Examples of feeding patterns

In order to get the most out of your feeding, it must naturally be appropriately proportioned, taking into account the characteristics and use of the horse or pony in question. Feed calculations can help determine the right amount to feed to meet, among other things, energy needs. Excessive amounts of concentrates can also cause digestive problems, weight gain, muscle problems and behavioral problems, a phenomenon often called "heating up". Excessive energy intake can be controlled by reducing the energy content of the feed, especially if the horse is not in active use or is at rest, for example due to vacation or injury. Below are three feeding models that address the most common cases: A small pony in light use - The basis of the diet is high-quality hay. A pony that is rarely used does not need additional feed to provide unnecessary energy, but can usually manage on roughage alone. This of course depends on the pony's fatness. - Minerals and necessary vitamins can be fed with a small amount of Biohansa Basic Hay hay pellets (e.g. 3 dl / day). Due to the low protein content, Basic Hay is also suitable for feeding to ponies and native breeds. The feed can be used to support basic feeding or to supplement roughage intake. A half-blood horse that trains and competes regularly throughout the season - The basis of the diet is high-quality hay. - The diet should contain sufficient protein, energy and minerals. We recommend about 2 liters of Biohansa Original feed per day. Original has a high proportion of crude fiber, a good protein content and plenty of vitamins and minerals. Thanks to the fiber, energy is released into the large intestine slowly and evenly. In cases of higher stress, the diet can be supported by adding Super Alfalfa . A big pony who does riding lessons four days a week - The basis of the diet is high-quality hay. As a nutritious alternative, we recommend Biohansa Pro Haylage , which is a low-protein silage feed. It is high in fiber, containing highly digestible fiber. The feed provides adequate energy, as it also has a low sugar content. - For medium-heavy work, Super Corn is suitable , for example, in a dose of about 0.5-1 liter per day. The advantage of Biohansa corn pellets is its high proportion of crude fiber, which has a high energy density and a relatively low protein content. This releases energy to the large intestine slowly and evenly. Discover all of Biohansa's feed products via this link . Remember to subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on social media to receive information about new products and current topics directly to your email. Also give us feedback on what topics you would like to read about on Biohansa's blog!

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