The connection between dental problems and feeding
There is a clear link between dental problems and horse nutrition. Feed choices have a major impact on oral health. For example, the wrong type of feed can cause uneven wear of the teeth and damage to the chewing surface. In addition, sugary and rough feed can increase the risk of caries and gingivitis. When choosing a feed for your horse, there are several factors to consider, including dental health. First, the feed should be high in fiber so that the horse gets enough fiber to support its digestive system. The diet should contain the necessary vitamins and minerals to maintain the horse's overall health. In addition, it is important to avoid excessive sugar intake. To chew roughage, the horse uses its molars sideways, with the teeth wearing evenly. To chew concentrate, it uses more of a mouth-pharyngeal movement, which is why the teeth do not wear as evenly. In modern horses, changes in diet have also changed chewing. Spikes form on the outer edge of the upper teeth and the inner edge of the lower teeth. The spikes can damage the mucous membranes of the cheek, causing the horse to eat poorly or resist the bit. Such spikes are smoothed out by a veterinarian.Proper feeding techniques
The horse should be offered feed in appropriate doses and often enough. It is good to offer the horse suitably chewable feed, so that saliva is produced. However, swelling the feed often is not harmful, as looser, swollen feed does not stick to the surfaces of the teeth. In caries, feed is packed into the so-called grain holes on the surface of the tooth, which starts the caries process. The horse's digestive system is complex and delicate. When a horse eats, its food passes from its mouth into its esophagus and then into its stomach and intestines. During the digestive process, the horse needs a certain amount of fiber, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. If a horse's mouth or teeth are not in good condition, the digestive process can suffer and the horse will experience digestive problems and thus nutritional deficiencies. When it comes to preventing and treating caries, the best option is low-sugar hay.Regular dental checkups
Regular dental checkups are important for maintaining your horse's oral health. A veterinarian who specializes in dental care can identify and treat potential dental problems before they become more serious health problems. As a refuge animal, horses do not show pain well. Dental problems can therefore manifest themselves in various ways, such as loss of appetite, difficulty chewing food, weight loss or resistance to biting. Equipment can also cause dental problems. The bit must be suitable and you must know how to use it correctly on the horse. A horse does not need constant rein pressure when driving or riding, but it becomes numb to it. This in turn always leads to the use of harder bits. For example, according to studies, 84% of trotting horses have damage to their mouths after a race. Only slightly smaller numbers can be found in eventing. Discover Biohansa's feed products via this link . Remember to subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on social media to receive information about new products and current topics in your email. Also give us feedback on what topics you would like to read about on Biohansa's blog!