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Horse use vs. energy intake in feeding
Over the past decades, the understanding of horse welfare has grown and developed in a positive direction. We know a lot more about horse health and care today than we did just 10-15 years ago. In particular, more attention has been paid to feed and feeding.
The basis for feeding a horse is that it should primarily be based on the horse's intended use. A trotting horse used for competition understandably needs a different diet than, for example, a pony doing light lessons at a riding school. Feeding and its planning should therefore also be based on the horse's age and size. The energy contained in feed consists of carbohydrates, fats and proteins, i.e. energy from proteins. A horse's main source of energy is carbohydrates, but they also make good use of fat. When we talk about the amount of maintenance needs of a horse, we mean the amount of energy needed to maintain vital functions.
When planning the feeding of an individual horse, it is worth utilizing feed analyses. If the horse does heavy work, such as racehorses or if it is a broodmare and foal, the feeding often needs to be supplemented with additional energy.
What does a horse use energy for?
Naturally, a horse uses energy to maintain its vital functions, including work, pregnancy, milk production, growth and development, and temperature regulation. When a horse moves, energy is consumed by the movement itself, such as walking, trotting, and galloping. At the same time, a lot of heat is generated. As the duration and strain of work increase, energy consumption also increases.
What a horse needs energy for is also determined by its nature and temperament. A horse that is constantly in motion, nervous or tense will consume more energy than a neighbor who behaves calmly. The environment or the temperature of the season also has an effect. Energy needs increase in autumn and early winter, when the temperature is below zero and in winter around -10 -20 ºC. Colder weather increases the energy needs of horses that live in a yard and are kept without a blanket. Horses that are outside for a few hours a day and are blanketed are less likely to need more energy due to the cold.
As a good source of energy, we recommend Biohansa corn pellets . Its advantage is its high proportion of crude fiber, which has a high energy density and a relatively low protein content. This releases energy slowly and evenly.
Horse feed conversion efficiency
The previously mentioned maintenance requirement is calculated based on the horse's live weight. Maintenance requirements are also influenced by breed, which divides horses into good, normal and poor feed users.
Feed utilization refers to the ability to use the energy contained in the feed well or poorly. A good feed utilization is a horse that is fat or gains weight easily. It is therefore able to absorb more energy than a normal or poor feed utilization. When a horse has normal feed utilization, it remains in a suitable fat condition and does not gain weight or lose weight easily. Such a horse needs 5% more energy than a good feed utilization. A horse with poor feed utilization is often thin or loses weight easily. It has a greater need to receive a larger amount of feed to maintain a normal fat condition. This person's energy needs are 10% higher than a good feed utilization.
If a horse receives the wrong amount or inappropriate amount of energy, it will be seen as the horse gaining or losing weight. The fatness of a horse best reflects the suitability of the energy it receives from its feed. Therefore, regular monitoring is important. If a horse receives too much energy from its feed, it will gain weight. The same thing happens to people if the calories are too high compared to the consumption. Excessive energy can also be seen in some horses as overexertion. However, a horse's energy cannot be increased by feeding alone, so the nature and temperament mentioned earlier affect its vigor.
Excessive energy in feeding should be avoided, as obesity puts strain on bones, joints and tendons, makes it difficult to regulate body temperature and exposes the animal to metabolic diseases. These include metabolic syndrome and laminitis.
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Horse energy needs | Horse Information Center
Feed requirement | Hevoseni.fi
Energy excess and deficiency | Horse Information Center
Photos: Pixabay