Utilization of horse manure for further use
Horse manure is a big problem for most stables, riding centers and other horse operators. It is a large waste stream that is usually difficult to handle. Horse manure contains a large amount of nutrients and its disposal in landfill is prohibited. That is why it is important to find more sustainable and environmentally friendly ways to handle horse manure.
Although horse manure is a so-called “problem waste”, it is also a very valuable resource. Horse manure contains a lot of nutrients, such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, which are important for plant growth. Horse manure can also be used to produce energy. The energy potential of horse manure has been studied extensively in recent years and has proven to be a promising alternative as a source of renewable energy.
For example, in the Netherlands, a method has been developed to convert horse manure into biogas, which is used to produce heat and electricity. This process reduces the amount of horse manure and produces renewable energy. The United States has also succeeded in using horse manure for energy production. In California, a method has been developed to convert horse manure into electricity and fertilizer.
Difficulties with manure
There are many reasons why horse manure is difficult to dispose of. For example, transporting manure is expensive, especially the further it has to be transported. For this reason, a place to utilize the manure should be found nearby. Especially on a larger scale, collecting and transporting horse manure to energy production plants becomes a challenge. Collecting horse manure can be expensive and labor-intensive, and transporting it can cause emissions.
Manure may be spread on one's own fields as a fertilizer and soil conditioner, and small quantities may be sold directly to consumers. Horse manure may also be transferred from one farm to another. From the beginning of November to the end of March, horse manure may not be spread on fields. This is only permitted under exceptional weather conditions if the wetness of the field due to prolonged heavy rains and low evaporation has prevented the autumn spreading of manure in October at the latest.
Manure has not been allowed to be taken to landfill since early 2016. However, it can be taken, for example, as composting material, if a waste center accepts it. If horse manure cannot be utilized at home, and no recipient can be found in the surrounding area, other possible manure utilization parties must be identified.
Proper composting sanitizes manure and destroys weed seeds and possible worm eggs. Horse manure is a slow-acting fertilizer that can be used to fertilize later-maturing plants. When composted, it is suitable for growing, among other things , cucumbers, potatoes, carrots, white cabbage, lettuce, garlic, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, strawberries, and raspberries.
Future prospects
Fortunately, many innovative ways have already been developed to convert horse manure into energy, such as biogas production. Biogas production is the process in which microbes break down horse manure into biogas and fertilizer. Biogas can be used as an energy source to produce heat and electricity. Other methods include pyrolysis and gasification. In pyrolysis, horse manure is heated in the absence of oxygen and converted into carbon dioxide, coal and oil. Gasification is the process in which horse manure is heated in the absence of oxygen and then converted into gas.
Composting, on the other hand, provides added value when the heat generated by manure is recovered as energy. The energy obtained from composting can be used, for example, to heat the farm buildings. In order to make the best use of manure, it is also important to consider what kind of bedding is used in the stable. Straw-based manure is suitable for biogas production, while wood-based materials or peat are suitable for incineration plants. All quickly decomposing bedding, such as hemp, can be used for soil improvement.
In 2018, the use of horse manure in energy production became easier with legal changes. The burning of manure in an energy production unit of up to 50 megawatts no longer requires a waste incineration permit. Overall, the use of horse manure in energy production is still in its early stages. There is a lot of potential to develop new ways to use horse manure as an energy source. In the future, it will be important to research and develop sustainable and environmentally friendly methods.
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Manure management | Horse Information Center
On the possibilities of utilizing horse manure | Horse Information Center
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