Prevention of stomach and intestinal problems in horses

A horse's well-being is directly linked to its digestive system. A functioning digestive system is important for a horse's overall health, performance and longevity. To prevent digestive problems and stomach upsets in your horse, you need to be proactive in your care. Regular monitoring of behavior, appetite, and body condition, combined with preventative measures such as quality nutrition, dental care, and stress management, can help prevent common intestinal problems such as bloating and ulcers. Early detection and intervention are key to resolving potential problems before they become more serious. Bloat is a common and potentially fatal intestinal problem in horses, presenting as abdominal pain and can have many causes. Horses rely on a complex digestive process in the large intestine to break down fibrous plant material. This complex system makes them susceptible to bloat, which can be caused by factors such as inadequate water intake, sudden dietary changes, poor quality feed or insufficient exercise. Horses are also adept at swallowing indigestible material such as sand or gravel while in pasture, which can build up in the intestines and cause stomach upset.

Monitoring the health of horses

Pay special attention to your horse's behavior. Changes such as depression, irritability, or sudden food refusal may indicate digestive problems. Also monitor your horse's appetite and eating behavior. Assess your horse's body condition regularly. Significant weight loss or gain may be a sign of a longer-term and more serious digestive problem. Here are some examples of common digestive problems :
  • Flatulence is a general term for abdominal pain in horses, which can be caused by a variety of factors, including gas buildup, blockage, or intestinal torsion. Symptoms include restlessness, digging, flank-stomaching, and frequent lying down.
  • Gastric ulcers are particularly common in horses that are stressed, sensitive or frequently work hard. Symptoms include behavioral changes, decreased appetite and decreased performance. Ulcers in the epithelial lining of the upper stomach are caused by the leakage of acidic fluid produced by the glandular part of the stomach.
  • There is also esophageal obstruction, which occurs when too dry feed material accumulates in the esophagus, causing a blockage. For example, this can be a problem in greedy ponies. This can be prevented by swelling the feed sufficiently in water before feeding. The feed pellet becomes softer and is therefore easier to swallow.

Preventive measures

High-quality hay, suitable concentrates and the right feeding routines promote optimal digestive health. If a horse does not receive high-quality feed , it can cause a variety of health problems. Horses have individual nutritional needs. Poor-quality feeds lack essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, proteins and carbohydrates. Malnutrition can lead to weight loss, muscle wasting and a weakened immune system, making the horse more susceptible to disease. Also, make sure your horse's teeth are checked regularly and treated by a qualified equine dentist. Proper dental care promotes adequate chewing and therefore better digestion. Among other things, hydration is essential for proper digestion. Continuous access to clean water prevents blockages and maintains overall bowel function. Inadequate hydration is a significant risk factor for, for example, the aforementioned flatulence. In constipation, the accumulation of dry, compacted material blocks the intestines. Changes in feed and feeding should be made slowly to allow the horse's digestive system time to adjust. Sudden changes can cause indigestion and intestinal problems, as can certain dietary changes or feeds. Changes in feed or poor quality feeds can result in stomach upset such as bloating or diarrhea. In general, it would be ideal to minimize stress factors in the horse's environment. Stress is a significant factor in certain digestive problems, such as stomach ulcers. Regular exercise also promotes bowel movements and helps prevent things like flatulence. Discover all of Biohansa's feed products via this link . Remember to subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on social media to receive information about new products and current topics directly to your email. Also give us feedback on what topics you would like to read about on Biohansa's blog!

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