Year of the Horse
This year is also coming to an end. In the Chinese zodiac, the year of the horse celebrates strength, freedom and vitality, but from the perspective of a stable keeper and horse owner, the year can be full of activities. While the horse symbolizes energy and agility, horse owners must also devote resources to caring for their horses throughout the year.
The foundation of a horse's health is proper feeding, and feeding during the breeding season requires special planning depending on the time of year. Horses are grazers by nature, so getting high-quality grass feed is always the basis of their feeding, whether summer or winter.
In winter, when pasture feeding is naturally not available in this hemisphere, the diet should be supplemented with good quality hay to ensure a balanced diet. If necessary, the horse can also be given hay pellets .
During the summer season, lush pastures are used whenever possible, but grazing must also be monitored to avoid health problems such as gallstones and foot rot. Many horses also gain weight easily when free-range.
Depending on the season, the feed should be supplemented with other nutrients in addition to minerals, such as seasonal vitamins, salt and calcium and phosphorus ratios, as needed. This will help maintain overall well-being. If you are unsure whether your horse needs to be given certain vitamin supplements based on its age, health or activity level, it is best to contact a veterinarian or other feeding expert.