Carbohydrates are the horse's main source of energy

Whatever the breed of horse, it needs a sufficient amount of energy to perform. The amount of energy needed varies, of course, depending on the intensity of the competition, for example. Therefore, the need for a trotting horse is different from, say, a dressage horse. A trotting horse needs to run as fast as possible with proper timing, while in dressage the program can last several minutes. In that case, energy is needed over a longer period of time. The main sources of energy for horses are carbohydrates and fatty acids. These are absorbed in the small intestine. In addition to acidification, starch also predisposes to stomach ulcers. Carbohydrates include starch, sugars, cellulose and other fibers, which are broken down into glucose before being absorbed. In addition, carbohydrates are divided into non-structural, such as simple sugars and starch, and structural, such as cellulose. In addition to energy, carbohydrates are needed for growth, muscle function, metabolism and the nervous system. If a horse eats large amounts of feed or is sensitive to carbohydrates, starch should be monitored. Undigested starch causes acidification of the intestines, increasing the risk of stomach problems. In the large intestine, digestible fiber is broken down , forming volatile fatty acids that are absorbed into the horse's bloodstream. The proportion of fatty acids in energy is comparable to the ratio of roughage to concentrate. The more roughage there is in the diet, the greater the proportion of energy intake comes from fatty acids. When on pasture, the horse gets a large part of its energy from glucose, as grass contains a lot of sugar. Obesity as a risk If easily soluble carbohydrates are used in the diet, glycogen stores can become too large. This can lead to muscle pain, stiffness and, in the worst case, lumbar paralysis. Energy from fats does not increase glycogen, but causes over-energy and weight gain. In short, the horse's body converts glycogen into glucose energy, i.e. ATP molecules. If there is not enough exercise, the horse may develop metabolic syndrome due to obesity. It is also possible for the horse to use excess protein as an energy source. It just takes a lot of energy to break it down, so the effect of protein in the end is small. Metabolic syndrome is a metabolic disorder that occurs in horses and ponies. In addition to an obese appearance, the horse may develop fat deposits in the neck, nape and base of the tail. Feeds containing sugar and energy should be eliminated from the diet of such a horse. The list of foods to be eliminated includes molasses, bread, apples, carrots, grain and cereal feeds, and glucose-based supplementary feeds. Versatile molasses cut Biohansa has a pellet-shaped molasses cut . It contains fiber that contains both fast and slow carbohydrates for the horse's needs. The fast carbohydrates in molasses cut are quickly converted into glycogen. This provides fuel for muscles, for example. Slow carbohydrates keep the intestinal microbiota satisfied. Fiber is the main source of food for the intestinal microbiota. Molasses cut does not contain any starch. Starch that the small intestine has not been able to digest moves to the horse's large intestine. There, it causes acidification and problems for the intestinal microbiota. Molasses cut is a safe feed for horses that maintains blood sugar balance and the well-being of the intestinal microbiota. Did you know that feed enters the small intestine in small doses from the stomach? The small intestine is the most important part of digestion. When there is enough fiber in the intestine, it promotes bowel movement. The fiber-rich molasses cut can bind a lot of liquid. When soaked in plenty of water, molasses cut is a good way to hydrate a horse, for example during competition trips. To swell the pellets, add three parts water and let it sit for at least 15 minutes before feeding. After swelling for an hour, the pellet has absorbed all the liquid. Molasses cut does not contain additives, auxiliary or binding agents, but does contain fast carbohydrates from molasses and slow carbohydrates from fiber. In addition to these, it contains minerals and trace elements, especially calcium and magnesium. Discover Biohansa's feed products via this link . Remember to subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on social media to receive information about new products and current topics in your email. Also give us feedback on what topics you would like to read about on Biohansa's blog! Sources: Horse energy sources | Horse Information Center PC-Horse - Carbohydrates ( Feeding a Sport Horse — Smart Riders Feeding a Metabolic Horse | Horse Information Center Photo: Pixabay

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