Bedding and its effect on stable air
In order for a horse to perform at its best, its respiratory system must be in good condition. Approximately 80,000 liters of air flow through a horse's lungs during the day, and since we in the north spend a lot of time in the stable, the air in the stable must also be of sufficient quality. The clearest idea of the functionality of the stable's ventilation is obtained in the morning, when the horses have been inside overnight.
If the air in the stable is poor and the air exchange is poor, impurities will accumulate in the air. These are especially harmful to horses that spend a lot of time indoors and especially foals in the development phase. The quality of the stable air also affects the stable workers and customers.
There are three different ventilation systems available for stables. Gravity ventilation works based on the pressure and temperature difference between the inside and outside air. Clean air comes in through inlet valves and bad air leaves through exhaust valves. This system may not work as well if the outside temperature is close to the inside temperature of the stable.
In a mechanical exhaust ventilation system, clean air also comes in through the inlet valves and bad air is mechanically removed from the ventilation ducts. Weather conditions do not matter. A mechanical supply and exhaust ventilation system, on the other hand, means that air comes in and out mechanically. Here, you have to learn how to use the system, as the ventilation must be adjusted according to different situations.
Use of bedding
In addition, bedding is an essential part of the hygiene management and air quality of the stable. The function of bedding is to absorb moisture from the horse's production and control the odors emanating from it. However, it does matter which bedding is chosen for the stable. For example, peat is suitable for a horse that makes a lot of mess in its stall . Peat is also the best option for the wallet, as it effectively binds ammonia and, thanks to its low pH value, does not spread bacteria. This means less waste bedding is created.
Other good options for a wet pen are straw pellets and hemp bedding. Hemp is a real super product, as its absorbency is up to 400–500%. Hemp bedding is also recommended to be used in the form of a mattress, so it is sufficient and remains a warm and dry surface for a long time.
Mold and moisture are common sources of poor indoor air in stables. Often, the cause may be poor-quality bedding. Moldy stable air exposes both horses and stable workers to respiratory diseases. Therefore, bedding should be hygienic and of good quality.
Disadvantages of stable air
As already mentioned, humidity is a significant factor in managing stable hygiene and, of course, in terms of stable air. Excessive humidity can cause mold growth, which leads to respiratory problems in horses. To control humidity, it is necessary to ensure that the stable has proper, functioning ventilation in the first place. Of course, all sources of humidity, such as wet bedding or leaking pipes, should also be removed as soon as possible.
Air can move differently in aisles than in pens. For this reason, ventilation should be considered separately for different parts of the stable building. For example, closed pens, winding aisles and separate spaces make ventilation weaker. The task of ventilation is to remove heat, moisture and harmful gases from the stable. These include, for example, excessive carbon dioxide and ammonia.
Ammonia is a colorless, pungent-smelling, and hazardous gas that irritates the eyes, skin, and respiratory tract. It is also relatively common in stables, as it is formed from the decomposition products of horse urine and feces.
Stables should strive to have no ammonia smell indoors at all. The odor threshold for ammonia gas is stated to be less than 5 ppm (“parts per million”, a relative unit similar to percent and per mille). According to animal welfare regulations, the ammonia concentration in the indoor air of a livestock shelter should be less than 10 ppm. However, for horses, this concentration is lower, because compared to other domestic animals, horses have a relatively long lifespan and a healthy respiratory system is a prerequisite for their performance.
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Functions and principles of stable ventilation | Horse Information Center
About pollutants in stable air | Horse Information Center
About choosing bedding | Horse Information Center
Photo: Pixabay