Differences in bedding - how to choose the right one?

Every horse owner or stable keeper has their own habits and routines for working in the stable, as well as what bedding they use in the pens. In many stables, the choice of bedding is mainly influenced by cost, not so much by opinions. There may be shortcomings in the availability of different bedding, and there are also challenges in disposing of manure. For example, if there are many horses, little barn space or short barn seasons, more bedding is used. Naturally, the consumption of bedding is also higher in winter than in summer when the horses are on pasture.

The type of bedding used in a stable may therefore depend on many financial and logistical factors. In larger stables in particular, it is easier to store large amounts of bedding. Small home stables, on the other hand, prefer to choose a product for bedding in pens or yards that is, so to speak, based on feel and proven good. With the idea of ​​“we have always used this”. There are limited storage options in the yard, so bulk packages or bales are often the best solution. However, in the long run, using bulk packages may be expensive.

In this article, we will introduce the most commonly used bedding types and their properties.

Straw and straw pellets

Straw is still used as bedding, especially in barns, but its availability varies by region and by season, and disposal can be difficult. Oat or wheat straw is usually used as bedding, and mold-free, good-quality straw provides the horse with something to chew on. Straw is good for the horse's intestines if hay rations are small or feeding intervals are long.

Straw does not bind urine well and has to be used in large quantities. Without good technology, cleaning it can also be difficult. Since straw is a “by-product” of grain, it is often inexpensive. Storing straw bales is difficult for many stables if there is not enough storage space.

Straw pellets, on the other hand, are highly absorbent and do not produce dust. To set up a normal-sized pen with straw pellets, approximately 130 kg of pellets are needed. In the future, daily cleaning will only mean removing manure and wet bedding. Since very little waste manure is produced, there is no need to add pellets every day. 60-70% less waste is produced compared to, for example, straw bedding. The manure from straw pellets decomposes and becomes usable in as little as 2-3 weeks. Biohansa straw pellets are available in both large and smaller bags.

Dry cutter or shredder

Hay bales are perhaps the most popular and widely used bedding, largely because they are easy to find at any agricultural store and even department store. Light-colored hay also gives the stable a brighter look than peat. Peat dust often easily stains the surfaces of the stable. In addition to horses, hay bales or hay are also commonly used as bedding for cattle, chickens, pigs and pets. Since hay decomposes slowly, its further use and disposal can be very difficult depending on the region.

The raw material of Biohansa's litter cutter is spruce and pine. It is dust-free and bacteria-free, so it does not spread easily to drinking vessels, for example.

Dried hemp is also good for hooves.

Hemp bedding

Hemp bedding has become very popular over the years. Hemp has a huge absorbency, up to 400-500% of its own weight, and it is non-flammable, making it safer than other bedding. The bedding decomposes quickly, rotting in about 6–8 weeks. Almost dust-free and bacteria-free, hemp is also good for horse hooves.

When creating a pen with hemp bedding, four bales are initially spread in a normal-sized pen. Manure and wet bedding are removed daily, but the bedding mat is not turned. It is recommended to add new hemp bedding to the area where the wet has been removed. The mattress is cleaned layer by layer, and after 10-12 weeks the pen is emptied and a new mattress is created.

Hemp bedding should be stored indoors, protected from rain and sunlight.


Peat has long been unwavering in its popularity. Its advantages include its good ability to bind ammonia and a low pH level, which prevents the spread of bacteria. The most common way to use peat is to make it into a bedding for pens. When cleaning, only manure, urine and other dirty areas are removed from the pen. When peat is added, the layers of the pen form a bedding, eliminating the need to constantly add peat. Using a bedding also requires that the bedding is dismantled and re-created regularly for hygiene reasons. Since peat decomposes quickly, it is often easier to find a place for further processing of the manure.

Biohansa's litter peat has a moisture content of less than 20%, so it does not freeze easily.

Discover Biohansa's bedding products here . Our selection includes a suitable option and packaging size for every stable - taking storage space into account!

Photos: Pixabay, Biohansa

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