Economical use of bedding

The coming winter has become a scary spectre, overshadowing businesses and households in the form of an energy and economic crisis. There have also already been some difficulties with availability of animal bedding, as all possible products end up for energy production needs. Pellets used for heating have been in short supply and the wisest have purchased, for example, stable bedding ready for storage in early autumn. However, many are wondering how to get the bedding costs under control for the coming winter if there is no space to store large amounts of bedding. The key is to use bedding economically and reduce consumption by easy means. When bedding is absorbent and lasts a long time, its consumption is naturally lower, less bedding is used and of course the procurement costs are also reduced. As we have mentioned before, there are three significant factors when it comes to litter consumption: efficiency, availability and price. Reducing litter consumption saves a considerable amount of money on an annual basis, and prevents unnecessary litter from ending up in the manure pile. However, the amount of litter cannot be reduced at the expense of the well-being of the horses. The choice of bedding affects The choice of litter can affect consumption. Of course, it is not always possible to choose, especially if there is a regional limitation of delivery, lack of storage space or the litter is not suitable for personal use. However, there are litter options whose properties make it possible to extend the use per package. For example, thanks to the absorption capacity of Biohansa's straw pellet , it produces 60-70% less waste litter compared to straw or sawdust. Hemp litter also has a super good absorption capacity, up to 400–500% of its own weight! Hemp has become one of the most popular litters due to its availability and good usability. There has been a lot of news about the rise of peat in recent years. Despite this, peat is still available for use as litter. Peat is also an economical litter, as it binds ammonia and can be used to build a so-called mattress, which means that only a little litter is used. In addition, both straw pellets and hemp quickly end up back in circulation. Both make good organic fertilizer. Straw manure decomposes into usable form in 2-3 weeks and hemp in 6-8 weeks. After this, both are suitable for use in fields. Disposing of horse manure and waste bedding in Finland is not exactly simple. The alternatives are actually field spreading, composting, fermentation into biogas or incineration. Horse manure has not been allowed to be taken to landfills since 2014. Control waste with the right cleaning style On a practical level, an economical cleaning method is the easiest way to reduce litter waste. Everyone has a different routine when cleaning the stalls, so it is certainly worthwhile to review the stable's habits for new stable workers or substitutes. The most common rule of thumb is to remove manure and dirty litter from the stalls and clean as little as possible. Young people in particular often forget that litter does not “grow on trees” and that economical cleaning affects many things. It is therefore worth learning the right cleaning style right from the start. A careful cleaning method takes time, but saves money at the other end. When horses are outdoors for a long time, manure only accumulates in the pens at night. The exception, of course, is yard solutions where the horse has the opportunity to choose whether to be indoors or outdoors. Even in these cases, the horse often prefers to be outdoors. Less bedding is used when horses are not standing indoors for most of the day. The weather in Finland varies greatly, but with proper fencing and barn roofs, the worst weather can be alleviated. Outdoor activities and the horse's activity level also affect the choice of bedding. If the horse is very lively in the pen or makes a lot of mess, you should choose the bedding accordingly. A messy horse that moves around a lot in the pen will consume significantly more bedding than its calm neighbor and cause additional trouble in the stable. This consumption can also be prevented by finding the right type of bedding for the horse. You can read Biohansa's blog article on the subject at the link above. Check out Biohansa's other bedding products via this link . Remember to subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on social media to receive information about new products and current topics in your email. Also give us feedback on what topics you would like to read about on Biohansa's blog! Sources: Drainage of horse yards and individual pens_JAMK_2015.docx ( About the properties and costs of bedding | Horse Information Center Photo: Pixabay

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