The effect of bedding on horse well-being and REM sleep

The Tampere Horse Fair will be held on April 6-7, and Biohansa will be participating as an exhibitor for the first time. Did you know that bedding plays a crucial role in the well-being of horses? We will be on the Black Horse stage in the E-halli on both days of the fair to talk about the topic, come and listen! You can also find more information on our blog about the effects of bedding and choosing the right bedding material for your horse. Just like humans, horses need enough sleep to function at their best. Therefore, the choice of bedding material plays a significant role in this area. Bedding directly or indirectly affects, for example, getting enough rest, stamina and hoof health. It is also an essential part of stable hygiene management and air quality.

Bedding and rest

Of course, stall bedding has many uses beyond just providing a comfortable resting surface. It absorbs moisture, protects and cushions the horse's body from impacts, such as when bucking, and insulates from cold or hard floor surfaces. In addition, it helps keep the space clean by absorbing urine and thus minimizing odors. However, one of the most important functions of the right bedding is its effect on the horse's ability to achieve deep, restorative sleep, especially REM sleep. REM sleep is an important stage of sleep for both humans and animals and is perhaps best known for rapid eye movement, muscle relaxation and vivid dreams. During REM sleep, the brain processes memories, regulates emotions and performs vital physiological functions that are essential for overall well-being. For horses, REM sleep is essential for muscle repair, immune system function and overall mental health.

The meaning of bedding in sleep

The choice of bedding material directly affects a horse’s ability to achieve REM sleep. A soft, comfortable pen allows a horse to lie down for longer periods without discomfort or pressure points. On the other hand, an insufficient amount of or poor quality bedding can cause a horse to never rest lying down, which in turn leads to restlessness and poor sleep quality. A recent study from the University of Helsinki reports that a horse can “postpone” REM sleep for up to six weeks if the environment is not suitable for it. Bedding materials such as straw pellets, peat moss mix or bedding mulch provide excellent cushioning and insulation properties that promote a REM-friendly environment for restful sleep. In addition, these materials effectively absorb moisture, preventing the build-up of ammonia and other harmful substances in the pen that cause respiratory problems, among other things. The thickness of the bedding is important for horses in supporting REM sleep. Horses naturally want to lie in a large enough space and a large amount of bedding, which allows for ample space and complete muscle relaxation. Many barns have a fluffy layer of straw as padding on top of the actual moisture and odor-absorbing bedding (e.g. peat). Straw itself has no absorption or odor-neutralizing properties.

Why is REM sleep important?

Ensuring horses get enough REM sleep improves their overall well-being and performance. Lack of sleep or poor quality sleep can lead to a number of health problems, including increased stress levels, a weakened immune system, and reduced cognitive abilities. This can also make horses more susceptible to self-injury. Horses that do not get enough REM sleep may exhibit problematic behavior by becoming irritable, aggressive, or showing decreased tolerance to training and handling. Over time, chronic sleep deprivation can lead to the development of more serious health problems and adversely affect the horse's quality of life. Bedding selection and handling therefore have a significant impact on a horse’s ability to achieve optimal rest and REM sleep. Providing horses with sufficient bedding in a pen that is large enough for their size is essential to promote restful sleep and ensure the overall well-being of their horses. Owners and handlers can make the provision of quality bedding for their horses’ pens a top priority, thereby ensuring their health, happiness and performance. Check out all of Biohansa's bedding products via this link . Remember to subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on social media to receive information about new products and current topics directly to your email. Also give us feedback on what topics you would like to read about on Biohansa's blog!

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