The ABC of Pastures: Beneficial Plants, Harmful Plants and Pasture Management

In summer, pastures provide horses with not only food, but also the opportunity to exercise and socialize with other horses in a natural environment. A well-managed pasture is an essential part of the health and well-being of horses. If a horse's summer pasture is a natural pasture, and not, for example, specifically established for that purpose, there may be harmful species among the edible plants. Horses are careful about what they put in their mouths, but they can also accidentally eat inedible plants. This can happen especially if there is not enough other food on the pasture or if harmful plants are mixed with edible plants. The most important useful plants for horse pastures are various grasses and forbs, which provide the necessary nutrients. Common and popular pasture plants include timothy (Phleum pratense), fescue (Festuca arundinacea), perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne), and white and red clovers (Trifolium repens, Trifolium pratense). These species have, for example, a high nutrient content, good digestibility, and are durable and easy to care for. Planting different plant species ensures that a diverse plant species also withstands grazing better.

Noxious plants and poisonous species

Horse pastures can be divided into two main types: natural pastures and cultivated pastures. Each type of pasture has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, making it suitable for different types of horses. Natural pastures are areas where naturally occurring plant species grow without human seeding or special care. Natural pastures are best suited for horses that are not particularly demanding in terms of nutrition or aregood forage users . In other words, they can cope with leaner pastures. During the growing season, the nutrient content of pasture plants on natural pastures can vary greatly. Additionally, pastures may contain poisonous plants and finding high-quality natural pastures can be challenging. Although many plants are beneficial, pastures can also contain poisonous plants that are dangerous to horses. The most common harmful plants include fireweed, buttercups, and giant hogweed. These plants should be removed from pastures immediately to avoid poisoning and health problems for horses.

Pasture plant maintenance

A well-managed pasture promotes the well-being of horses and reduces the risk of injury or illness. Dividing the pasture into sections and rotating the use of sections prevents soil erosion and maintains vegetation diversity. Make sure that each section of pasture is allowed to rest for at least 3-4 weeks after grazing and if you notice bare patches, give the section a longer rest period. Prevent horses from accessing sections where the vegetation is too short or damaged. Removing toxic and unwanted plants, either manually or chemically, is beneficial for the health of horses. Natural pastures provide a diverse range of plants, supporting the local ecosystem and promoting biodiversity. The difference between cultivated pastures and natural pastures is that they are areas that have been specifically designed and planted with plants suitable for grazing horses. These pastures are regularly managed through fertilization, irrigation and weed control. Cultivated pastures can be designed to provide optimal nutritional content for horses. At the same time, cultivated pastures can be more effectively used to control the presence of toxic plants. In general, well-managed and cultivated pastures produce more edible plant matter than natural pastures. This allows more horses to graze for a longer period when there is sufficient food. However, make sure that too many horses are not put into one pasture area at a time.

Natural pasture vs. cultivated

Natural pastures and cultivated pastures offer different advantages and challenges. Natural pastures offer a diverse and ecologically sustainable option, while cultivated pastures have optimized nutritional content and higher productivity. It is important for horse owners to choose a grazing model that best suits the needs and use of their horses. Cultivated pastures can be expensive to establish and maintain, requiring regular care and resources. Cultivated pastures may offer less diverse vegetation and may not be suitable for more sensitive native breeds or metabolically predisposed horses. For this reason, cultivated pastures are best suited for competitive horses and individuals who require a nutritious diet to maintain their performance even in the summer without losing mass. Discover all of Biohansa's feed products via this link . Remember to subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on social media to receive information about new products and current topics directly to your email. Also give us feedback on what topics you would like to read about on Biohansa's blog!

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