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The most common cause of metabolic syndrome is overeating.
Equine metabolic syndrome (EMS) is a metabolic disorder that affects the way a horse’s body processes food. This can increase the risk of laminitis. Laminitis associated with metabolic syndrome can come on suddenly and be very painful. Sometimes it develops gradually and becomes chronic. Symptoms can be difficult to notice. EMS is caused by a variety of factors, including genetics, diet and exercise. It is somewhat similar to type 2 diabetes in humans.
In addition to possible medication and dietary changes, lifestyle changes are needed for acute EMS treatment. Regular exercise is vital for EMS horses as it can improve insulin sensitivity and aid in weight loss. If a horse is suspected of having metabolic syndrome, the horse should also be tested for possible Cushing's disease (PPID). Both of these syndromes can occur simultaneously.
Symptoms and identification
The symptoms of EMS can vary from horse to horse, but there are some common signs to look out for. One of the most noticeable symptoms of EMS is weight gain, especially around the neck and base of the tail. Other symptoms of EMS include decreased exercise tolerance and insulin resistance.
One of the most common causes of metabolic syndrome is overfeeding. High-calorie feeds, which are high in starch and sugar, are particularly harmful. Many horses receive more carbohydrates and calories in their daily feed than they need. This applies to both racehorses and horses and ponies that are classified as good forage users . Horses with a genetic predisposition to EMS may also be more likely to develop the disease. Other factors that can contribute to EMS include lack of exercise, obesity and hormonal imbalances.
Diet and nutrition play a significant role in the management of EMS in horses. A horse with EMS should be fed a diet low in starch and sugar. This helps to regulate insulin levels. The diet should include roughage that is low in sugar and starch, such as timothy. A recommended hay sugar content of <10-12% is recommended for a metabolic horse. Carbohydrates in hay include cellulose, pectins and glucans, as well as sugars, starch and fructans. Sugars make hay palatable. The sugar content cannot be inferred from the appearance of the hay. The level will be low if the hay has been harvested early.
Feed analysis and feeding planning are also of primary importance here. In addition, sufficient water intake is important. Pasture is not a problem and maintaining routines reduces stress for the horse.
Prevention of EMS
Preventing EMS in horses is crucial to maintaining overall health and well-being. Early recognition and action are key to managing EMS in horses. The best way to prevent EMS is to ensure that your horse has a balanced diet and receives regular exercise. It is also important to monitor your horse’s weight regularly.
For a horse that eats its hay quickly, you can consider a slow feeding net or a timer-operated hay dispenser. Straw can be given to chew, but feeding too much can have constipating effects. Various treats can cause an insulin spike, so apples, molasses and bread should be avoided. Carrots also contain carbohydrates. Minerals can be mixed and fed, for example, with swollen hay pellets .
The best way to improve metabolism is exercise. It also helps with insulin sensitivity and weight management. The horse should be exercised to sweat, for example, four times a week for 50 minutes, or so that the amount of exercise per week is 200 minutes. If the horse has acute laminitis, then the horse should naturally not be exercised. Later, exercise can be started gradually.
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Feeding a Metabolic Horse | Horse Information Center
Metabolic syndrome | Horse | Veterinarian | Sastamala (heppalaakari.fi)
Photo: Pixabay