How to budget for bedding?

Bedding costs are one of the largest ongoing expenses for a multi-horse owner or stable manager. However, with careful planning and consideration, it is possible to control costs and stay within budget. The cost of bedding for horses can vary depending on several factors. This includes the type of bedding material, regional availability, the amount needed, and the frequency of stable cleaning. Although bedding costs can be high on an annual basis, it is important to provide horses with a comfortable and clean environment. This has an impact on the health and well-being of the horses. There are three significant factors when it comes to bedding consumption, namely efficiency, availability and price. Reducing bedding consumption can save a considerable amount of money on an annual basis. The availability of bedding materials in your area can affect costs. If the materials are transported from a distance, it also costs more. Each type of bedding material has its advantages and disadvantages, and it is a good idea to take these into account when choosing bedding. The cost of bedding is affected by several factors. Some materials, such as straw, are inexpensive but require more frequent replacement. This in turn leads to higher long-term costs. If the pens are cleaned two or more times a day, more bedding is required to keep them clean, which also increases costs. Choosing bedding When choosing bedding, it is important to consider the horse's needs, your budget, and your own preferences for bedding. Some factors to consider include the age and health of the horses, the general weather conditions in the area, the size of the stable, how often the stalls are cleaned, and the availability and price of different bedding materials in the area. It is also a good idea to experiment with different bedding materials. Some horses may be more sensitive to dust or require a more comfortable surface to lie on, while others are less fussy. In addition, there are some common mistakes to avoid when using and handling bedding that can lead to higher costs or health problems for the horse. It is important to ensure that there is not too little bedding in the stalls and that the stalls are not filled with dusty or moldy bedding. Some litters have properties that allow for longer use per pack. For example, Biohansa's hemp litter has super high absorbency, up to 400–500% of its own weight. Hemp has become one of the most popular litters due to its availability and good usability. Bedding costs and your own budget So how can you keep costs under control and within your budget? As already mentioned, the way you use it affects consumption and therefore also the choice of bedding. Depending on whether you like to use mattress bedding in the pens or turn the pen over when cleaning, it is possible to choose from different bedding types that are suitable for the purpose. For example, peat is better suited to forming a mattress than sawdust, but hemp and straw pellets last longer due to their good absorbency. Below is a list that can help you calculate the cost of bedding, while still maintaining a comfortable and healthy environment for your horse.
  • Buy larger quantities
Buying bedding in bulk can be a cost-effective way to save money. Many suppliers offer discounts for larger quantities and it can also reduce shipping costs. Of course, this requires adequate storage space.
  • Moderate use of bedding
When bedding is used sparingly, costs are reduced. However, the horse's comfort cannot be compromised, so there should be enough bedding in the sleeping area. It is also a good idea to teach everyone working in the stable an economical cleaning method, so that as little clean bedding as possible is removed with the manure.
  • Use of bedding according to the season
Naturally, the seasons affect the cost of horse bedding. In winter, horses need more bedding material, as they spend more time in the stable than in summer, for example, when horses spend longer periods on pasture. It is therefore a good idea to plan your bedding consumption based on the seasons. Generally, when horses are outdoors for a long time, manure only accumulates in the pens at night. The exception is of course yard solutions, where the horse has the opportunity to choose the outdoor hours themselves. Less bedding is used when the horses are not standing indoors for most of the day. The weather in Finland varies greatly, but with proper fencing and barn roofs, the worst weather can be alleviated. In the summer, there is time to accumulate resources for the coming winter. Discover Biohansa's bedding products via this link . Remember to subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on social media to receive information about new products and current topics in your email. Also give us feedback on what topics you would like to read about on Biohansa's blog! Photo: Pixabay

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