Uncomplicated travel with a horse

Traveling with horses is busy in the summer due to competition season, trotting events and other events. Transporting horses requires careful planning to ensure the safety and well-being of passengers. To ensure a safe trip, you must first ensure that the transport equipment you use is well-maintained and functional. Here is a short checklist before hitting the road:
  • No holes or soft spots have appeared in the wall, ceiling or floor materials of the trailer or transport vehicle.
  • Test the brakes to make sure they are in working order. Check brake fluid levels and service them if necessary.
  • Check all lights and indicators to make sure they are working properly. Replace any burned out or dim bulbs.
  • Check the tires for wear, cracks, or punctures. Check the tire pressures and make sure they meet the recommendations.
Once the horse is loaded, check that the horse is securely tied down and that all doors and partitions are properly closed so that they do not open accidentally during transport. Be especially careful with hay nets or bags so that they do not fall and get tangled in the horse's legs. Transporting horses during the summer months presents additional challenges due to high temperatures and related problems. When planning your trip, you should take the weather forecast into account and try to schedule your trip for a cooler time. The trailer should be well ventilated to allow for proper air circulation.

Important hydration

In hot weather, special attention should be paid to the horse's hydration. It is a good idea to offer water at regular intervals during the journey. Electrolyte supplements can also help replace minerals lost through sweating. Some horses may also enjoy liquid with mash or molasses . Hydration is essential for the well-being of your horse during transport. Dehydration can lead to a variety of health problems, including bloat and kidney problems. In addition to water, monitor fluid levels by checking the horse's mucous membranes and skin elasticity. Monitor your horse for signs of heat stroke. Symptoms include lethargy, muscle weakness, difficulty standing, and impaired vital functions. Symptoms of heat stroke occur when the body temperature rises above 41.5°C. If any of these signs occur, it is essential to stop and provide immediate first aid to the horse by providing water, wetting the horse's body, and seeking veterinary assistance if necessary.

Tips for transporting horses

Make sure you have all the necessary paperwork with you when you set off on your journey. Pack essentials such as feed, water and hay so that your horse can follow their own feeding plan during the journey. Feed can be packed in individual pouches or taken in separate feed containers. Hay can be transported in bags or sacks, and small bales can be conveniently carried in the boot of a car or transport vehicle. Horses often drink better in hot weather when they have water from their stables in containers. Strange water can be strange and the horse may not drink enough. At the competition venue, the horse should be given enough time to rest and recover from the journey. Try to stick to your horse's regular feeding schedule as much as possible to minimize various problems.

Overnight race trip

For long distances, the schedule should include regular stops to stretch the horse's legs. If the competition lasts several days, choose a suitable overnight accommodation for your horse. The alternative pens should be clean, well-ventilated and safe. For competition pens, it may often be worth packing a few extra bedding packages. For example, Biohansa hemp bedding is easy to get on the road. You never know what the bedding policy is at the accommodation or whether rainwater will ruin the base, for example. Keep a record of your horse's transportation schedule, including departure and arrival times, rest breaks, and feeding times. This information will not only help you stay on top of things, but it will also provide valuable information about your horse's travel habits for future trips. Discover Biohansa's bedding products via this link . Remember to subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on social media to receive information about new products and current topics directly to your email. Also give us feedback on what topics you would like to read about on Biohansa's blog! Sources: Heatstroke | Horse Information Center Photo: Pixabay

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