Are the feed oats already covered with last winter's snow?

Feeding a modern horse can be very complicated and difficult in the eyes of many new - and old - horse owners. It is important to know what all should be included in a horse's diet and what is suitable for your horse. It was like "in the old days", when horses' diets consisted mainly of hay, minerals and oats. With the widespread use of industrial feeds, it has been possible to feed horses high-quality food that meets all their needs. The use of oats in feeding has therefore radically decreased over the years and decades. It has been criticized for being indigestible and having a heating effect. Oats are by no means a bad feed and have been at the forefront of feed trends for no reason. Oats in their husks have a high fibre content, but a lower starch and energy value compared to other cereals. Oats are also high in fat and as the fat content increases, the amount of starch decreases. Polyunsaturated fatty acids affect, for example, the coat. Oats should be stored in a dry and cool place and care should be taken to ensure that rats or mice do not have access to them without permission. Why oats? Compared to factory-made feeds, oats are significantly cheaper and more ecological. Oats also do not need to be processed in any way, as their starch is finer and more easily digested in the horse's small intestine. This reduces the risk of digestive problems. The heating effect of oats is more about the overall feeding. The starch is broken down into glucose in the small intestine and absorbed into the bloodstream, causing blood sugar to rise. Blood sugar is at its highest a couple of hours after feeding. This may seem like the horse is taking too many turns of the oats. Concentrated feeds contain energy in a more concentrated and digestible form. Energy intake may be exceeded without being noticed when feeding them, and the horse's workload may also be overestimated. Feed should be measured by weight, not volume. The same amount of oats compared to low-energy feed contains significantly more energy. The maximum amount of oats used per day is 4-5 kilograms. This gives the starch time to digest. If the horse needs a lot of energy, some of the oats should be replaced with other energy-rich feed, for example oil or molasses cut . When purchasing oats, the quality must be checked carefully. There are differences in nutrients and hygiene. It is best to skip stale oats immediately. If stored poorly and in damp conditions, mycotoxins, which are harmful toxins from mold species, may form in oats. Mold toxins must be detected by laboratory testing, as they cannot be smelled or distinguished by appearance. The best way to determine the quality is through grain analysis and volumetric weight. Oats can also be flattened or cooked, which improves the digestibility of the starch. Flattened oats should be fed quickly so that the fat they contain does not spoil. Black oats as an alternative Black oats have made feed oats a so-called trend feed. Its real name is ukokaua, but it is incorrectly translated into Finnish because the English name is “black oat”. It has more fat than regular oats and a lot of fiber in the husk. In general, the fat in both oats is of good quality. Studies have not shown any particular differences in the digestibility of oats. Biohansa black oats contain 8.3% digestible crude protein and 4.8% crude fat, only 0.8% sugar and 37.2% starch. It is particularly suitable for feeding horses that need quickly released energy. When feeding oats, it is also worth paying attention to the calcium and phosphorus intake. If the horse's feed contains more than a kilo of oats per day, it is recommended to balance the calcium and phosphorus ratio. Feeding containing oats should therefore be individual and horse-specific. Discover Biohansa's feed products via this link . Remember to subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on social media to receive information about new products and current topics in your email. Also give us feedback on what topics you would like to read about on Biohansa's blog! Sources: Oats | Horse Information Center Oat quality | Horse Information Center Black oats | Horse Information Center Photo: Pixabay

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