Talismans swinging - tips for cleaning

Even if you have never been around horses, visitors to the stable often have to pick up a broom. It is like the “baptism of fire” of the horse industry. If you can get through cleaning the stall without any major complaints, you have overcome a major challenge. Although collecting manure may seem like a simple chore, it is perhaps the most important thing in the daily routine of the stable. And the cleaning operation itself is not self-evident to everyone, but of course it also needs to be practiced. Especially if you are new to stable work or, for example, a student of the horse industry, you may not even know the basics of cleaning stalls.

Every stable and stable worker has their own tricks and ways of cleaning the stalls. The choice of bedding and the horse's behavior in the stall also affect the cleaning technique.

Here is a little guide for anyone interested in cleaning pens:

1. First, pay attention to the tools. There are many different types of brooms: some with a curved fork, others with an angular one, and still others with a larger handle. The so-called fork part is almost always made of plastic these days. The strength is durability, but unfortunately the tines still wear out quickly with use. You quickly learn what kind of broom fits your hand. It is good to have a handle that is suitably long, especially if you are tall. Cleaning with your back bent is not pleasant, and over time it causes a dent in your muscles. Read more about work ergonomics in section 5.

2. Before you start cleaning, take a general look. What does the stall look like? Has all the hay been eaten and the manure solidified? Has the stall been turned? This alone can give you a lot of information about the horse's daily general condition. By observing eating and other activities, you can easily find out about the health of the stable's inhabitants.

3. First, it is a good idea to move the clean and dry bedding to the side of the pen to wait. Visible manure is picked up in a wheelbarrow, as well as wet, urinated bedding. After that, the remaining bedding is turned around the entire pen and any manure found is cleaned away. Some horses are fond of hiding dung balls, which can result in them appearing in clean areas or under uneaten grass.

4. The remaining clean and cleaned bedding is leveled into a mattress in the pen. Large piles should be avoided so that the horse does not get stuck against the wall when rolling. The cleaning style may vary depending on the bedding. For example, a dense peat or hemp mattress should not be turned all the way down unless the mattress is specifically intended to be dismantled. However, when drying a mattress, the bedding on the surface is cleaned in the same way as instructed in this article.

5. It is also particularly important to remember work ergonomics! If possible, it is worth switching the hoe from one hand to the other, i.e. learning to use the hoe from both sides. This way you will equalize the strain on your shoulders and neck. Automation of barns, like stables, helps a lot. If the stable building is so old that it is not possible to install a mechanical manure chute, for example, access to the manure chute should be unobstructed. This means no high or narrow ramps, long distances on slippery or snowy paths, and lighter two-wheeled wheelbarrows for work.

In some stables, loose hay and bedding are swept from the aisles directly into the pens, while in others, so-called aisle litter is collected separately in bins or bags. If shoeing is also done in the stable aisle, it must be ensured that nail bits and other shoeing waste are carefully collected. This way, no metal or hoof fragments get into the pens and the edible hay during sweeping.

Still wondering which bedding to use for which horse? Read our previous article on the subject . Often, horses that are messier naturally cause more work. A horse that is restless in the pen or otherwise produces a lot of output will also use more bedding. That's why it's a good idea to familiarize yourself with the different options so that your horse stays happy and your bedding costs are under control!

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