Does the horse need additional feed?

A horse's diet consists mainly of roughage, i.e. hay and concentrates, but the importance of supplementary feeds should not be overlooked. Supplementary feeds provide the horse with important nutrients that may not be available in sufficient quantities from the basic diet. But does a horse need supplementary feed, and if so, what and when? Supplementary feed is often needed when the roughage is of poor quality or when the horse's nutrient needs increase due to some "exceptional" condition, such as heavy work, pregnancy, lactation or growth. It is still worth remembering that supplementary feed is not medicine or a direct treatment for health problems. Supplements can also provide an extra boost if the horse is clearly showing signs of a nutrient deficiency, such as poor hooves or coat, or has intestinal or muscle problems. They can also be used to support the normal functioning of the digestive system, as the horse's digestive system is sensitive and requires the right kind of nutrition to function optimally. Complementary feeds can contain digestive aids such as prebiotics and probiotics, which help maintain healthy gut bacteria, which in turn improves digestive function and helps the horse utilize nutrients more efficiently.

Roles of complementary feeds

There are many types of supplementary feeds for many purposes and needs. The trend of feeding horses a variety of supplementary feeds from jars and cans is not necessarily necessary or even beneficial for every horse. However, supplementary feeds can be used to enhance the intake of minerals, trace elements, vitamins, fatty acids or amino acids as needed. They can also support the function of joints, muscles or the digestive system. The product range includes mineral, trace element and vitamin supplement feeds that contain certain individual nutrients in higher concentrations. These cannot replace general minerals, but rather supplement the deficiency of a specific mineral, trace element or vitamin. When choosing a supplement, you need to know what purpose it is needed for and what kind of horse it is for. It is important to check what ingredients the product must contain in order to achieve the desired effect. Therefore, it is worth implementing a feeding plan , preferably with a feed expert. There is no need to rush with supplementary feeds, as the results will not be visible immediately. For example, the effect of biotin, which improves the quality of hooves, is not immediately visible, while the effect of products that protect the stomach and support intestinal function begins very quickly. If there is no noticeable benefit from a supplementary feed product, there is no point in feeding it.

Effects of vitamins

Although hay and feed contain some basic vitamins, supplemental feeds can be used to supplement vitamin intake. However, to avoid vitamin overdoses, it is important to check that other feeds used in the diet do not contain the same ingredients. As we have previously reported on the Biohansa blog , horses should receive fat-soluble ADE vitamins throughout the indoor feeding season. In Finland, horses are often deficient in vitamin D, which is a very important vitamin for foals, for example. Vitamins can be given in the form of industrial feeds or vitamin preparations.

Various supplementary feeds

Horses need sufficient energy to maintain good performance. While roughage and concentrates provide a basic source of energy, supplementary feeds can help meet additional energy needs, especially in active horses. Supplementary feeds, such as grains and oils, are energy sources that can help a horse achieve and maintain optimal competition or training performance. Oils affect the horse's physiology in many ways. During the training period, the horse's body adapts to using oil as an energy source. In addition, oil preserves glycogen stores in the muscles and liver during short-term, intense exertion, thereby delaying fatigue. Various vegetable oils, such as rapeseed, soybean, sunflower and linseed oil, increase the energy density of the feed, containing three times more energy than cereals. Oils can be added to the feed separately, but they are often already included in industrial concentrates. Therefore, the product should generally indicate its intended use, ingredients, nutritional content or active ingredients and dosage instructions. The content of the products must also correspond to the things promised in the product description. Although supplements can be beneficial for a horse's well-being, their incorrect use can cause problems. It is worth reading the product label of industrial supplements carefully and making sure that the product does not contain ingredients that are classified as doping agents for racing horses, such as certain herbs. Also avoid using the same fat-soluble vitamins in feeding, as they carry a risk of overdose. Vitamins in synthetic form are completely absorbed in the digestive tract. The precursors are converted into vitamins in the horse's body only in the necessary amount. Discover Biohansa's feed products via this link . Remember to subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on social media to receive information about new products and current topics directly to your email. Also give us feedback on what topics you would like to read about on Biohansa's blog! Sources: The use of complementary feeds in horse nutrition | Horse Information Centre Mineral, trace element and vitamin preparations | Horse Information Center Vegetable fats | Horse Information Center Photo: Pixabay

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