Healthier for your horse, more economical to use - hemp bedding


HempBed Horse Hemp Bedding + Eucalyptus

Healthier for your horse, more economical to use

Horse racing professionals who want the healthiest possible environment for their valuable investments, and at an affordable price, appreciate hemp pillows. 40,000 tonnes of hemp bedding are sold annually in Europe, which is more expensive than other bedding on the market. Now, for the first time, HempBed hemp bedding for horses is available in New Zealand. HempBed protects your horses' respiratory health while improving overall stable care. The benefits of HempBed include: • Little dust • Excellent absorption • Reduces ammonia odor • No chemical residues • No harmful phenols (unlike pine and other wood products) • Reduced labor requirements • Less transportation costs • Less storage costs • Less waste and disposal Hemp absorbs four times (400%) its weight, compared to wood chips (250%) and straw (225%). Hemp also has a higher absorption rate, which means that soiled material clumps together for easy removal and the stable floor stays dry under the bedding.

Save money

Replacement cost savings : The excellent absorbency of HempBed also reduces the need for replacements – this saving is directly reflected in the bottom line. The exceptionally good absorption properties of hemp mean that only half a bale to one bale should be needed every ten days. This also reduces storage, waste and disposal, as well as deliveries and paperwork. Labor cost savings : HempBed maintenance is quick and easy, stays drier than traditional materials, and lasts longer. The pure white color of hemp makes it easy to detect soiling. To minimize soiling, manure should be removed as soon as practical. claws Easy to dispose of: HempBed only creates a small pile of manure that decomposes into a top-quality garden fertilizer in just a few months. Chips break down much more slowly and contain chemical residues such as tannins.

It is easier for the horse to breathe - A healthier horse -

Independent tests have shown that HempBed absorbs ammonia odors and keeps the stable fresher for longer. HempBed contains negligible amounts of dust and spores compared to cheap waste bedding, and the stable environment is cleaner. This is especially important for horses suffering from respiratory diseases or nosebleeds. And, most importantly, hemp helps prevent these problems from developing. HempBed mattresses are warm and comfortable, stay dry longer and feel soft and supple. Hemp provides excellent insulation from cold concrete floors and protects against injuries. Its durability makes it an ideal transport mattress. plant HempBed hemp bedding for horses is produced from the soft, wood-cellulose inner part of the industrial hemp stem.

Product need

Empty the pen, spread 4 bales of Hempbed hemp bedding over a 9 m² pen (one bale equals approx. 2 m²). Step 1 Step 1 - Clean the stable, as lint residue will prevent the benefits of hemp bedding. Step 2 Step 2 - Spread the HempBed hemp pillows evenly on the floor of the stable. Step 3 Step 3 - Remove manure daily by digging out soiled areas. Add new HempBed as needed. Your job will be easier if you only need to replace small soiled areas. • Highly absorbent This allows the mattresses to stay dry longer than straw or shavings. Hempbed absorbs four times its weight. • Little to no dust and no taste These two properties are crucial in limiting respiratory and other health risks for horses. • Hemp bedding contains eucalyptus extract Also ideal for horses with respiratory diseases such as asthma. Eucalyptus clears the respiratory tract. • No chemicals Growing industrial hemp does not require pesticides, which prevents chemical residues from being transferred to horses. • Economical The longer lifespan of hemp pillows immediately translates into euro savings in labor, transportation, and storage. horse HempBed hemp bedding for horses is produced from the soft core of the hemp plant stem and is the healthiest, most cost-effective and labor-saving bedding material on the market. This unique product has properties that are superior to those of today's products.

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