The peat cutter is a perfect bedding combination
Choosing the right bedding for your horse's stall or the entire stable is a surprisingly essential part of horse care. It affects not only the horse's comfort but also its overall health and stable hygiene. When choosing bedding, you should consider the individual needs of your horses, your budget, and what the bedding is required for in the stable.
If you are at all unsure about the properties of different bedding, it may be necessary to try different bedding materials. The way you use the bedding affects the consumption and therefore also the choice of bedding. Depending on whether you like to use mattress bedding in the pens or turn the pens over when cleaning, it is possible to select from different bedding materials that are suitable for the purpose. An economical cleaning method alone saves bedding in the long run. When bedding is used in moderation, costs are also reduced, but the well-being of the horses must not be compromised.
One versatile option for bedding is a mixture of peat and cutter, which is now also available in Biohansa's product range . This combination offers several properties that make it an excellent bedding. Thanks to its mixture structure, it is significantly more versatile and practical than many other bedding products. The peat fibers mix together with the cutter, so that no piles of bedding or bare spots form on the floor level.
Peat and sawdust are the two most popular and most widely used bedding materials. Peat has excellent absorbency and effectively locks in moisture, keeping the pen dry. When combined with sawdust, which also increases absorbency, this mixture creates an ideal bedding base, preventing urine build-up and maintaining a dry floor.