Choose the best litter for your yard

Paddocks have become increasingly popular as a form of housing that provides horses with natural exercise space , social contact and constant access to the outdoors. A paddock is an open combination of indoor and outdoor spaces for horses, which allows them to live a species-like life. A good paddock promotes the physical and mental well-being of a horse, but a poorly designed paddock can cause problems such as stress and health problems. Most pens consist of a few basic elements. An interior space that provides protection from rain, wind and cold, with one or more exits, allowing horses to choose when they want to be outside. In addition, the yard should have space to move and graze. The size and design of the outdoor space are important for the horse's natural need for movement. Exercise keeps horses in good physical condition and reduces stress. There should be several drinking and feeding points so that all members of the herd have the opportunity to eat and drink in peace. The feeding points can be sheltered or outdoors, and they offer hay and minerals.

What is a bad yard?

Although a paddock is a horse-friendly solution, not all paddock structures are automatically good. A poorly designed or maintained paddock can have many problems. If the paddock does not provide adequate protection from wind, rain and snow, horses can suffer from cold and dampness can cause health problems such as muscle problems or respiratory infections. Also, cramped spaces cause competition between horses for resources such as eating and sleeping places. This can lead to stress and even physical injuries. If the barn is built in such a way that the air does not change properly, it can cause ammonia to accumulate indoors, which is harmful to the horses' respiratory system.

Thermal insulation and absorbency are the top priorities in bedding

Too little bedding or the wrong type of bedding material can lead to illness, colds, and hoof problems when horses are forced to lie on damp or hard surfaces. Bedding is a key part of a horse's well-being in a stable. It not only provides comfort, but also provides thermal insulation and protection from moisture. Good bedding effectively absorbs moisture and keeps the floor dry, which reduces stress on hooves and joints. When choosing bedding, you should also consider its availability, environmental impact and costs. One very popular bedding option due to its good absorption capacity is peat. Peat is a warm and soft substrate for horses and is effective in binding odors and ammonia. The disadvantage of peat can be its dustiness. Straw is another traditional bedding material that is often inexpensive and can be used as a so-called top layer on top of the actual bedding. It insulates well from the cold. However, straw can be weaker at binding moisture than, for example, peat or sawdust and it requires more work to keep clean. Sawdust has good absorbency and can be used alone or combined with, for example, peat, which provides both warmth and absorbency. Pellets made from compressed wood or other plant-based materials such as straw expand when exposed to moisture, becoming a soft but absorbent mass. This option is very effective at controlling moisture and is clean and easy to use. Pellets also provide good insulation against the cold. A good paddock is designed to provide horses with shelter, space to move around and a comfortable surface to rest on. In a poorly designed paddock, horses can suffer from stress, injuries and health problems, but with just the right bedding solutions, their well-being can be significantly improved. A combination of peat, sawdust and straw can provide optimal thermal insulation and absorbency, while keeping the horses' habitat healthy and comfortable all year round. Check out all of Biohansa's bedding products via this link . Remember to subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on social media to receive information about new products and current topics directly to your email. Also give us feedback on what topics you would like to read about on Biohansa's blog!

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