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Vitamins in horse nutrition
Just like humans, horses' vitamin needs vary throughout the year and with the seasons. During the grazing season, the need for vitamins is different than, for example, in midwinter. Vitamins are essential, necessary organic compounds for the body, which are ultimately needed in small amounts. The main sources of vitamins for horses are the feed they feed, industrial products and the body's own vitamin synthesis.
Vitamins are divided into fat-soluble and water-soluble. Fat-soluble vitamins dissolve in fat/oil and the excess is stored in the fatty tissue, liver and kidneys. Excess water-soluble vitamins are excreted in the urine. In Finland, the need for additional vitamins varies depending on the season. Excessive amounts of vitamins may cause poisoning in horses. Overdosing on vitamins should be avoided. Often the risk of side effects is greatest when the feed contains multiple sources of the same vitamin. Added vitamins can include, for example, energy boosters, electrolyte preparations, licks and preparations that support joint function. For this reason, it is a good idea to use feeding calculators.
What and when
Among the vitamins, vitamin A is responsible for immunity, vision, the condition of mucous membranes and skin, and reproductive functions. D affects calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium metabolism, bone formation, and skeletal strength.
In autumn, when horses return from pasture to the indoor feeding season, the vitamins they receive and their needs also change. Fresh pasture grass contains a lot of precursors of vitamins A, E and K. If the horse's body already has a lot of fat-soluble vitamins, fewer vitamins are converted from the precursors. Vitamin D, on the other hand, is formed in the skin between June and August, and the vitamin stores replenished during the summer are sufficient for a couple of months. Rain during haymaking and the hay getting wet reduce the amount of vitamins contained in the hay. Drying the hay in sunny weather reduces the vitamin A and E content of the hay, but increases its vitamin D content. Vitamins are the only nutrients whose concentrations decrease when hay is stored.
During the winter months, horses that mainly eat hay benefit from vitamin A, D and E supplements. These vitamin supplements are especially necessary for horses that are mainly fed roughage, grain and basic minerals. The need for vitamin supplements depends on the type of feed the horse is fed. In foals, a lack of vitamin D can cause growth disorders and weaken the bones. Vitamin E, on the other hand, is important for many body functions, including the immune system, nerves, skin and muscles.
Industrial vitamin supplements
Especially horses that are in intensive training and competition, as well as broodmares and foals, usually need additional vitamin feeding. In addition, intestinal dysfunction, antibiotic courses, long-term stress, poor-quality roughage and heavy concentrate feeding increase the need for vitamins. The least need for additional vitamins is for a horse that is on pasture and is outdoors for at least 2-3 hours during the day.
The activity of intestinal microbes and thus the formation of vitamins can be supported with high-quality roughage. Vitamin supplementation can be easily managed with various complete or semi-concentrated feeds, mineral preparations or separate supplementary feeds.
From the feed supply in general, it is easy to get the picture that horses need a lot of vitamins C, K and B. In a healthy horse, vitamins K and B are formed naturally as a result of microbes in the large intestine. The precursor of vitamin K is abundant in roughage, from which it is absorbed in the horse's small intestine, transforming into active vitamin K in the liver.
For example, cereals, bran and yeast are good sources of vitamin B, and a healthy horse usually does not need a separate vitamin C supplement. Vitamin B affects energy metabolism, protein synthesis, nervous system and muscle function, immune function and collagen formation. B vitamins can also be given to horses during the molt.
Vitamin H, or biotin, helps with the formation of fatty acids and glucose, protein metabolism, reproduction, nervous system function, and hooves, skin, and coat.
One of Biohansa's feeds with the most diverse vitamins is alfalfa pellets , which, in addition to alfalfa, contains beta-carotene, biotin and vitamins (A, B, C, D, E, K, P, U) as well as a wealth of minerals (Ca, Fe, K, Mg, P).
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Vitamins | Horse Information Center
Vitamins in roughage and vitamin supplementation | Horse Information Center
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