Simple feeding as part of horse well-being

Horse feeding has seen many different trends over the decades, moving from basic grains to industrial complete feeds and supplements. However, feeding “from a jar” is rarely good for the horse. Feeding too much feed can cause several disadvantages, especially if the overall nutritional intake is not balanced with the horse’s needs. Stomach upset in horses can be prevented by simple feeding, providing natural, easily digestible food that supports digestive health. Simple feeding means following the horse's natural diet, while maintaining the regular feeding rhythm that is important for horses. Biohansa's feeds mainly consist of one or more simple ingredients, without complicated recipes. For example, Original 100% , which is a pure mixture of alfalfa, hay pellets and corn pellets. The feed has a high proportion of crude fiber, a good protein content and plenty of vitamins and minerals. Thanks to the fiber, energy is released slowly and evenly into the large intestine.

Basics of simple feeding

The number one thing in feeding a horse is high-quality feed. The majority of a horse's diet should consist of roughage, such as hay or pasture grass. Roughage is important for maintaining digestion, as it promotes chewing and salivation, as well as intestinal motility. If necessary, feeding can be supplemented with hay pellets, although it does not completely replace the intake of roughage. In addition to basic hay pellets, Biohansa's selection also includes alfalfa, which contains alfalfa separately . Hay should be hygienic, dust-free and mold-free and should be offered evenly throughout the day, following the horse's natural grazing pattern. Feeding should consist of small amounts of feed several times a day. Horses need routines. Regular feeding helps regulate digestion and prevents excessive stomach acid build-up, which in turn reduces the risk of stomach ulcers and heartburn. Although grains and concentrates are part of a horse's diet, they should be limited, especially in horses that are not working hard. Overfeeding can lead to digestive problems such as flatulence and hoof fever. If supplemental feeds are needed, choose a simple, balanced commercial feed without excessive sugar, starch or additives. In addition to nutrition, adequate hydration is important for digestion and helps prevent intestinal blockages. In addition, probiotics and prebiotics can support gut health by promoting a balance of beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract.

Be careful about overfeeding

To keep feeding simple, you need to pay attention to overfeeding and duplication. For example, a large amount of a certain mineral or vitamin can prevent the absorption of other nutrients and lead to deficiencies. Excessive protein intake does not usually cause major problems for horses, as the body breaks down excess protein. The urea produced is excreted in the urine, which increases the horse's urination, water needs and electrolyte loss from the body. However, excessive protein can disrupt the acid-base balance of the horse's body. Excess energy intake from feeding too much concentrate can lead to obesity, which increases the risk of laminitis, joint problems and metabolic diseases. You also need to be careful withvitamins and minerals . Excess water-soluble vitamins are excreted in the urine, but long-term excessive intake can still strain the body and cause an imbalance with other nutrients. Fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K) are stored in the horse's body. Excessive intake of vitamins A and D can lead to calcium absorption disorders, bone problems and, in the worst case, damage to internal organs. An imbalance of copper and zinc can cause skin problems, anemia, and general weakness. An imbalance between calcium and phosphorus can lead to weakened bones. Excessive calcium intake can prevent the absorption of phosphorus, which in turn weakens bones.

Clear feed planning

New feeds or supplements should be introduced gradually to avoid digestive upset. Monitor your horse for any stomach symptoms, such as changes in appetite, behavior, or manure consistency. Your horse's teeth should also be checked and brushed regularly. It is important to ensure that your horse's diet is balanced and meets their individual needs. Simple and carefully planned feeding based on the horse's age, activity level and health status will help to avoid the negative effects of overfeeding and supplements. By following the principles of simple feeding, you can prevent common stomach problems in horses and promote the well-being of their digestive system. Discover all of Biohansa's feed products via this link. Remember to subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on social media to receive information about new products and current topics directly to your email. Also give us feedback on what topics you would like to read about on Biohansa's blog! Sources: Protein deficiency and excess | Horse Information Center

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