The most common feeding problems in horses

In the summer, as the grazing season approaches, the feeding schedules of many stables change. In some, grazing also affects the amount of feed given and, depending on the length of grazing, the feeding of concentrates may be completely eliminated, limiting the feeding to minerals only. Regardless of the time of year, proper feeding of horses is essential to maintaining their well-being. However, for one reason or another, many horse owners make feeding mistakes that can lead to health problems. Understanding common feeding mistakes and how to avoid them makes it easier to plan and implement effective feeding.

Sensitive digestive system

One of the most common mistakes is overfeeding concentrates. Horses’ digestive systems are primarily designed to process fiber, such as hay and grass. Feeding too much grain can lead to digestive problems, such as flatulence or hoof pain, but it can also lead to the horse gaining weight. Obesity, in turn, causes other health problems, such as strain on internal organs or joints. Roughage should make up the majority of a horse's diet. When horses don't get enough hay or pasture grass, they can develop stomach and intestinal problems, among other things. Horses need to chew and produce saliva to neutralize stomach acids, and roughage is essential in this process. Roughage should be fed at least 1.5-2% of a horse's body weight daily. High-quality hay supports digestive health and helps prevent problems such as flatulence and stomach ulcers. Horses' digestive systems are sensitive to sudden changes in feeding. Sudden changes in feed type or amount can trigger flatulence or diarrhea. Any dietary changes should be made gradually over several weeks to allow the horse's digestive system time to adjust.

Little and often

Nutritional imbalances can occur if a horse does not receive all the essential vitamins and minerals. On the other hand, excessive use of supplements can also cause problems. Each horse has individual nutritional needs based on age, workload and health. Since one feeding model does not fit all, it can often lead to deficiencies or excesses. Water intake should also not be forgotten. It is vital for the horse's digestion and general health. Horses need clean and fresh water at all times. Dehydration can lead to intestinal obstruction when dry food material gets stuck in the intestines. If the horse has challenges with drinking enough, you can offer liquid, for example, in the form of swollen Biohansan Pro Molasses pellets. Add a third of water to the container and wait at least 15 minutes before feeding, after 1 hour of swelling the pellet has absorbed all the liquid. Concentrates should only be used to supplement roughage when necessary. For most horses, especially those doing light to moderate work, roughage alone will meet the majority of their nutritional needs. Feed should be given in small, frequent portions to mimic natural feeding patterns and reduce the risk of digestive upset.

Feeding tips

Make any feeding changes gradually. Introduce new feeds or change current amounts over a period of 7-10 days to allow the digestive system to adjust without stress or problems. Always provide clean, fresh water. In cold weather, it is a good idea to offer warm water to encourage drinking, as horses consume less water in the cold, which increases the risk of intestinal blockage. Working with an equine nutritionist or veterinarian can help ensure your horse is getting all the essential nutrients they need. Avoid unnecessary supplements unless a specific deficiency has been identified. Additionally, regular dental checkups are essential, as dental problems can make it difficult to chew and digest food properly. Uneven teeth can ultimately lead to poor nutrient absorption and esophageal obstruction, where poorly chewed food gets stuck in the esophagus. Proper feeding of horses is not just about providing feed, it requires a thoughtful approach. It is important to ensure that the horse’s nutritional needs are met while preventing common health problems. By prioritizing roughage, balancing nutrient intake, and making gradual dietary changes, horse owners can enhance the overall health and well-being of their horses. Discover all of Biohansa's feed products via this link . Remember to subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on social media to receive information about new products and current topics directly to your email. Also give us feedback on what topics you would like to read about on Biohansa's blog! Photo: Pixabay

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