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Properties of Biohansa's horse arena harrow
The arena leveler is intended for leveling and shaping the surface of exercise areas, such as arenas or fields. Two rows of spikes shape the base, the actual leveler levels it, and finally a mesh roller compacts the base, leaving a finished, flexible surface. The device is designed to only shape the surface material without disturbing the foundation.
The track does not require hydraulics and can be adjusted to fit a variety of surfaces. It can be stored, for example, in a manege or moved to the desired location using the optional mechanical support wheels (product no. A36593). Additionally, an irrigation device (A37065) with a 120 l water tank is available as an option.
Additional information:
- The edger moves the sand that has accumulated next to the manege wall away from the edges.
- A net roller compacts the surface for riding
- Large wheel on the right side of the device prevents damage to the manege wall in case of collisions
- Also suitable for professional use
- No hydraulics required
- Also available is a watering device with a 120 l water tank that can be attached to the manelesila.
Product number A21646, working width 1530 mm, weight 165kg
- Product number A36593. Price €300. Wheel set for rear transport. Allows the rope to be pulled out of the mane on the wheels. The wheels are mechanically turned down or up.
- Product number A43428. Price €300. Additional weights 29 kg.
- Irrigation device A37065. Price 1100 €.