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The benefits of Biohansa peat
Natural and effective bedding for horse stables
Peat bedding is a popular choice for horse bedding, as it is a natural, hygienic and practical bedding. Peat effectively absorbs moisture and odors, creating a clean and pleasant environment in the stable for both horses and grooms. In addition, peat bedding is environmentally friendly, as it is a completely natural material and biodegradable.
Improving horse welfare
The use of peat litter in horse bedding promotes animal welfare. Peat litter keeps the stalls dry, which reduces ammonia emissions and the risk of respiratory problems. In addition, the soft texture of peat provides a comfortable surface for horses to rest and move around. The easy application and effective moisture absorption of the litter reduce material consumption, making it an economical choice.
Ease of use and ecology
Peat litter is easy to handle and is ideal for manure removal, as it composts quickly and forms a nutrient-rich soil. Its use reduces the volume of manure and makes handling easier, making everyday life in the stable smoother. Peat litter is the perfect choice for horse stables where both horse welfare and environmentally friendly solutions are valued.
Peat litter has many good properties. It is an economically good option. Peat binds ammonia and significantly reduces the amount of waste litter. It has a very low pH level, so it does not promote the spread of bacteria.
Peat decomposes quickly and is relatively easy to transport for further processing.
Biohansa peat is available in the following packages:
• 150L / 250 / 6000L bag
• 24 pallets in a semi-trailer