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Features of the Biohansa peat- wood shavings mix
Peat and woods shavings are the two most popular and most widely used bedding materials. The advantages of peat include excellent moisture absorption, good ammonia absorption and a low pH, which prevents the growth of bacteria and fungi. Wood shavings allows liquid and urine to pass through, is dust-free and prevents peat from compacting. The peat-shavings mixture brings out the positive advantages of both materials.
Thanks to its composite structure, peat-shavings mix is considerably more versatile and practical than many other bedding products. The peat fibers mix together with the wood shavings, so that no piles of bedding or bare spots form on the floor.
The peat-shavings mixture does not contain any hazardous substances, microorganisms or fungi that can harm animals or humans. It is also GMO-free and does not contain, for example, weed seeds, nematodes or other harmful factors.
The mixture contains 25% wood shavings, 65% peat (0-10 mm) and 10% peat fiber. The pH value of the litter is 3.5-4.5, moisture 35-45%. Heat conduction (1:1) 0.05-0.2 mS/cm.
The Biohansa peat-shavings mix is available in the following packages:
• +/- 6000L / 900-950 kg packaging
• Dimensions of 1 platform: 1.20 mx 0.8 mx 2.00 m
• The trailer can hold 24 pallets with a total weight of 24 tons (144 m3)
• +/- 150L / 20 kg package
• Weight of 1 pallet = 24 packages (+/- 520 – 560 kg)
• Dimensions of 1 platform: 1.20 mx 0.8 mx 2.00 m
• The trailer can hold 32 pallets, 768 packages, with a total weight of 15.360 tons (115 m3)